A Better and More Cost-Effective Solution to the Proposed $2+ Billion Raising of the Warragamba Dam Wall
Catchment wide landscape rehydration and restoration is a viable alternative to raising Warragamba Dam.
Submission to Federal Government
Cabinet / Committee:
For the consideration of PM & Cabinet / Treasury / Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
Date of Submission:
13th March 2023
Relationship to previous decisions:
ICER has recommended a VETO of the mooted NSW Government policy to raise the Warragamba Dam wall, at a cost of $2+ billion, ostensibly to mitigate future flood damage and risk to life.This is not a cost-effective solution compared with a far cheaper proposed land management alternative.
Financial Impact:
YES – A $1+ billion cost saving benefit for Australiantaxpayers
Legislative change:
NO – Using proven, simple landscape science understanding will save taxpayer dollars and achieve a much better, and more permanent outcome.
Submission type:
This is a private submission made by a group of concerned scientists, land management & sustainable agriculture experts. At a recent summit meeting held in Berrima NSW, 100% of the 25 attendees gave their endorsement to request a feasibility study be conducted into this alternative solution to raising the Warragamba Dam wall.
Summit attendees included:
NSW Government Member for Goulburn, Wendy Tuckerman.
NSW Government Member for Wollondilly, Nathaniel Smith.
Gundungurra (First Nations) people.
Independent Council for Ecosystem Restoration (www.ICER.org.au) scientists and directors.
RegenAction (NFP regeneration organisation) Chair and executives.
Goulburn / Mulwaree Landcare Chair.
Experienced Regeneration practitionersHigh profile community leaders and advocates for a Warragamba solution that delivers the most cost-effective solution.
Read the full Submission and supporting documents: